
me & the giant teddy bear in Kyiv, Ukraine.

me & the giant teddy bear in Kyiv, Ukraine.

This is a small journal documenting parts of my year abroad in St. Petersburg, Russia where I studied at the European University (http://eu.spb.ru/en/) and tried to experience a bit of the post-Soviet space. I hope you enjoy reading my experiences in the Motherland, a land I grew to love very much and hope to spend more time in in future years.

41 thoughts on “About.

  1. Hi
    I am interested in russa.
    how can I meet you as tourleader over there ?
    how much dose it cost for me and my family (three person) a 7 days tour on russia ?

  2. Hi!
    I am a journalist at Russia Beyond The Headlines, and I would like to ask you about your experience as a blogger for an article I am writing on blogs written by expats in Russia. Is there an email address I can contact you at?

  3. Your blog is just wonderful. As a Russia-lover, I’ll never get tired of your stories and photographs, so please keep’em coming. I was myself in Murmansk region a little over a month ago (photo stories on my blog), and am already planning my next trip!

    • Thank You! I’m glad you enjoy my blog – I will definitely check yours out! I hope to be back in Russia a lot in the future – it’s my second home 🙂 And Murmansk was super cool – I would love to go back during White Nights….. probably even cooler than SPB 🙂

  4. Hey! I’ve readed some of your posts, they’re really good! The photos are great as well!
    I’m starting a blog, and while searching blogs similar to mine, I discorvered yours 🙂
    If you have some time, at some moment, could you give me some advice? In order to improve my blog 🙂

  5. Hey, I really enjoy reading your blog! 🙂 I am going to European University at St. Petersburg this September as an exchange student – were you an exchange student as well?

    • Hi Vivian!
      Glad you enjoy my blog 🙂 Yes, I was a student at EUSP! In 2011. I loved it there – actually going back to Saint Petersburg (and Kiev) at the end of this month, so stay tuned for more posts. What/how long will you be studying at EUSP? If you have any questions, do feel free to ask 🙂

  6. Looking forward to reading your blog. I also lived in Russia for a while and loved it. I would love to read how other people experienced this country. Your photos are beautiful and I enjoyed the posts I have seen up to now. I will definitely be back to read some more!

  7. Привет! Запустили уже “шатл” между Горьковской и Невским проспектом? Как тебе водные маршрутки?)

  8. What a wonderful blog! And all those great pictures – it calls forward tears in my eyes and makes me wish that I was there now. I like St. Petersburg very much and I love my fiancee, who lives there.

    The Russian people are great people and I haven’t seen any other place in the world where you, as much as in Russia, could trust that people behave in a decent and considerate way. Of course there are all kinds of people there, but most are good and kind.

  9. very nice blog. I am also a student in Russia. Already 2 years studying in Russia, and I can say that this is really very beautiful country, and is ideal for life

  10. Hello, I’ve got to tell you I love your blog. You’ve done an incredible job of layout, design, and love the material you put in your blog. I hope you don’t mind that I did a pingback to my blog to introduce my readers to yours. About three months ago I started doing what I call Mirror Reflections to show just how similar countries are to each other. They have just grown and evolved into what they are now. I don’t know if you’ve visited my blog or not, but would like to invite you to do so.

  11. Mõningaid uitmõtteid väikeriigist, mis küll lahkus Suurest Rahvasteperest, kuid mille süsteemsed järelmid toimivad edasi, kujul: Riik versus rahvas.
    Nii nagu isiksuse tasemel on igas allutatud rahvas kollaborante, nii on ju ka riikide seas “sõnakuulelikult orjalikke” – jätkamaks Süsteemi, mida enam pole.
    Juba “tollal” oli lääne ajakirjanikel tavaks väljenduda: “Eestis täideti nei lolle vene seadusi – saksa täpsusega. Mujal vabariikides seda ei täheldatud.”
    Jutt käib EUGEENIKAST – levinuna küll üleilmselt, kuid eriti rängana ahistades oma rahvast NLiidus – ja jätkates seda Eestis. Laste vägivaldne ärakorjamine – sageli kodudest, relvastatud politseinike poolt – on muutunud reegliks. Mis on saanud nüüdseks heakskiidu kjoguni Euroopa Inimõiguste kohtust!?
    Krupskaja poolt väljastatud NLKP KK Määrus “Naisküsimusest” – toimib siiani.
    //Vajadusel – selgitan pikemalt!//

  12. Hi! I’m an argentinean journalist and editor of Magna magazine. I’m writing an article about Saint Petersburg and I would like to contact you. I’m really interested in your point of view and I would love to publish your pictures too. Please, write to me. Best,

  13. Have just stumbled across your blog and really love it! A relative of mine recently spent three years in Moscow as a foreign correspondent and since then, I have had a burning desire to visit Russia. Until that time, I will continue to live vicariously through your blog 🙂

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